Happy New Year! I know.. I've been a bad blogger, and haven't posted much. Thankfully, I believe that I will turn things around this year, and that I will be better at blogging, along with many other aspects of my life! 

I'm always excited to do this 10 on 10 project, but even through my excitement, I forgot to do it last month... I am happy to say I 'm back! So, the concept is easy, take 10 photos for 10 hours on the 10th of the month. If you're interested in joining, you can check it out here: 

ten on ten button
So, here we go... My 10 photos. :)
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Going shopping over in Maine with Dad. :)
Yes, yes.. this is where we buy our groceries.
All finished! 
Reading, while I wait for Dad to finish up.
Visiting with Grammy after getting some things for her at Wal-Mart. 
It's snowing as we get ready to head out again. 
Still reading... I got this for Christmas. It's a great book. 
Skipped lunch, so had a late snack of yogurt!! 
Thank you for stopping by! I will be back very soon with more updates on what's going in with Derek and I! 
1/11/2012 02:59:57 am

Love your set! My only resolution this year was to stop shopping at Walmart, lol. I hate hate hate having to wait 20 minutes in line, especially with 4 kids, so I told myself for my own good I'm only shopping at Target and a local grocery (which has the best produce and meat.) So far its been easy, but then again its only the 11th! Beautiful pics!

1/12/2012 04:39:22 am

Thank you!! :) I hope you do well with your resolution. We prefer Walmart because it's much less expensive than shopping here in NB. That being said, I did do a lot of shopping over here today, and managed to spend a lot of money, but feel like I actually bought a lot of food, which doesn't always happen. So, I'm happy with that!

Thank you for your comment, it's nice to know someone's out there! :)

1/12/2012 11:56:06 am

We don't do our grocery shopping at Walmart, although we do stop in from time to time to pick up odds and ends. We prefer Wegmans for our food. Not sure if you have those in Canada? Anyway.....nice set of photos!


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    About Me, Jennifer

    I am a 30-something year old wife, daughter, sister and aunt from small town New Brunswick, Canada. I have spent most of my life dreaming about being away from the small town life, but have recently found myself coming home with a brand new perspective, and appreciation for what this life has to offer. Please join me as I share some of my journey home, as well as share how things are going each day in our life. It will certainly be a fun journey, perhaps a little sad, and most likely very exciting once we are able to see how Amazing God's love is, and how He has worked in some wonderful ways in our life. 


    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012
    November 2011


    10 On 10
    Lessons From Work
    Osteo Arthritis
    The Photo Challenge