So, my iPhone has a Weebly app that allows me to post from the phone! It is my first attempt, so let's see how it goes! I would love to share some photos of my day yesterday with you!

Today is Mom's birthday!!! Happy Birthday, Mom! Today is also going to be a very busy day at church because of VBS and so I won't get a chance to see her! So, Derek and I took Mom and Dad out for dinner yesterday afternoon. After that we just went on a little drive and it made me realize just how beautiful our province really is! I love this place, and sometimes I just need a reminder like I had yesterday.

And we ended the afternoon with some ice cream!
It was a lovely day. Random road trips are always fun, and I hope that one Derek and I get our own vehicle, we will get out and do it more often!
This past Sunday, Father's Day, Derek and four other individuals from our church were baptized. It was a beautiful day for such a wonderful celebration. We had a church BBQ at a camp owned by one of the family's in the church, and then had the baptisms in the river. Among those being baptized was my husband, Derek, who accepted Jesus into his life this past February, as well as Cliff, a kind gentleman who grew up with a Christian background, but did not really come to know Jesus personally until he met his current wife. There was also Trevor and TJ, father and son. Trevor is also a relative of ours through marriage, so it was nice to see him take that step and to have his family, and my aunt there celebrating with them. Also, there was Caleb, the son of one of our deacons. This deacon also happened to be the one who was assisting the pastor with the baptisms, so it was a special occasion for their family. 

Here are some photos of our lovely day. 
Maybe wondering how cold the water will be.
Our kind host, taking care of the hot dogs!
He's all ready!
Each person could have a loved one read their testimony for them. I read Derek's. It was actually harder to get through than I expected. But, praise the Lord, He has done amazing things in Derek's heart!
The deed has been done. :)
Pastor Michael gave Derek a handshake afterwards. Most of the guys gave him a hug after being baptized, but Derek didn't, he was too excited, and so this was what he got after it was all overwith.
I got to spend some special time with Ezra, Pastor Michael and Julia's boy. He's a cutie!
It was a great day, with wonderful family and our church family. It's so good to get to know everyone better through these experiences. We just grow to love them more and more each time. God has really blessed us, by directing us to our church, and by church, I really do mean the people. Since we have started attending this church, Perth-Andover Baptist Church, it was actually flooded, and now we are no longer able to use our original building, but are meeting in the gym of the elementary school, and tomorrow, we will have a sod turning ceremony for breaking new ground on the property where a new building will be constructed. It is all very exciting, but in the end, I know that with this group of people, our 'church' family, it is all going to be the same as always, and maybe even just a bit more exciting. 
It has been a very relaxed, lazy, sick kind-a-sorta day in the Hanson home, but I did take some photos to share for the 10 on 10 photo activity! It's simple, really, take 10 photos for 10 consecutive hours on the 10th of the month to share. Mostly today I'll be highlighting our lovely fur babies.. I hope you don't mind. :)
If you'd like to join with your photos on the 10th, you can find the linky party here! :)
ten on ten button

    About Me, Jennifer

    I am a 30-something year old wife, daughter, sister and aunt from small town New Brunswick, Canada. I have spent most of my life dreaming about being away from the small town life, but have recently found myself coming home with a brand new perspective, and appreciation for what this life has to offer. Please join me as I share some of my journey home, as well as share how things are going each day in our life. It will certainly be a fun journey, perhaps a little sad, and most likely very exciting once we are able to see how Amazing God's love is, and how He has worked in some wonderful ways in our life. 


    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012
    November 2011


    10 On 10
    Lessons From Work
    Osteo Arthritis
    The Photo Challenge